
Here are listed the seven primary policies of the Australian Protectionist Party.
At the bottom of the page are links to the various full policies of the APP.

Primary Policies

Only a nationalist movement with a protectionist philosophy can fight for the future survival of the Australian People. The Australian Protectionist Party stands for the protection of the Australian nation in all its aspects. So that we can protect the Australian nation, we believe that we must:

1. Protect our environment

Save Australia from the ravages of over-population, which is causing environmental ruin, and instead create a sustainable future for our land. Introduce measures to develop ecological sustainability. Immigration must be reduced until the completion of scientific research that will determine the “environmental footprint” of our population.

2. Protect our families

Establish pro-family measures to protect the traditional family unit, which is the foundation stone of our national culture and way of life. Institute financial relief for families, enabled by schemes such as taxation “income splitting” for couples with children. Make education costs for children tax deductible.

3. Protect our freedoms

Defend our democracy by removing laws that inhibit freedom of speech on social and political issues, and create further measures to protect our civil liberties, such as strengthening the right to trial by jury. Ensure more democracy in public affairs by establishing Citizens’ Initiated Referenda, whereby ordinary citizens can initiate a referendum on policies, thus giving government back to the people.

4. Protect our jobs and industries

Institute tariff barriers against cheap foreign imports to encourage the survival, rebuilding, and emergence of local manufacturing industries. Enact policies to increase the level of Australian ownership of companies, public assets, and resources. Forge a national apprenticeship programme with incentives for certain industries and country centres. Effectively limit the use of contracted foreign labour.

5. Protect our people

To have a sensible immigration programme geared towards accepting into Australia people from culturally similar populations, who will readily accept our way of life and the inherent values associated therein, thus enabling a relatively quick, easy and low-cost assimilation into Australian society. To implement an environmentally-friendly immigration policy, whereby the number of people gaining permanent residence are equivalent to the number of people permanently leaving, thus advancing the ecological sustainability of our community, and minimising the long-term effects of our population upon our country’s fragile environment.

6. Protect our rural communities

Increase rural sustainability. Harness technological resources to enable a higher rate of decentralisation of government departments to regional centres. Implement sensible trade structures that will stop cheap foreign imports from destroying the viability of Australian farms.

7. Protect our way of life

End the destructiveness of Multiculturalism and Political Correctness. Teach our students about the achievements and values of Australian society and of Western Civilisation. Immerse our youth in the traditions of the Australian national identity and culture. Enable criticism and challenging of ideas in the classroom, but without having a “black armband” view of history deliberately being pushed by teachers as a form of political activism. End government funding for the political ideology of Multiculturalism.

Links to APP Policies

Crime and justice





Foreign affairs


Population and immigration


Welfare and unemployment