Anthony Albanese and the globohomo agenda

Contributed article

Drag Queens

The mainstream media has been congratulating Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on becoming the first Australian PM to march in the homosexual Mardi Gras parade.

This is very telling of the current state of affairs in Australian society, and, indeed, of the whole Western world.

The sick, twisted, and evil cultural “elite” of the West has set itself on a path of destroying Western Civilisation, not only by criminally implementing the immigration-driven genocide of the Western peoples, but also by criminally pushing the sexual perversions of the LGBT-QWERTY crowd.

Are the “elite” truly criminals? Yes, they are.

Conducting genocide against the Australian people is treason. Treason is a crime. The treasonous process of the immigration-driven genocide of our people has been slowly occurring for decades.

Pushing homosexuality and transgenderism onto any school child or onto any kindergarten toddler is corruption of a minor. That’s a crime. The sick globohomo brigade have been pushing their messed-up agenda in schools and kindergartens for years.

The fact that the police and judicial systems have become so corrupt as to ignore crimes against the nation and crimes against children does not detract from the fact that those crimes have been committed.

Anthony Albanese, like most of the major party politicians and the so-called “elite”, is a sick and twisted individual who is a traitor to our nation and a danger to our children (via the promotion of his extreme Leftist anti-Western ideology and his sick globohomo policies). Those who push globohomo ideological propaganda (especially onto children) and peddle an anti-Australian and anti-Western agenda are not fit to hold any positions of public office.

Anthony Albanese needs to go, and so do any and all politicians like him. Australia needs to be a nation fit for Anzacs and heroes, not for those who wish to rebuild Sodom and Gomorrah.

Australia needs a new broom, to sweep away the filth that has covered our nation.

‘Unfortunate that I am the first’: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese marches in Sydney’s Mardi Gras parade”, Sky News, 26 February 2023 (Joseph Huitson)
Anthony Albanese becomes first Australian PM to march in Sydney Mardi Gras”, The Guardian, 26 February 2023 (Jordyn Beazley)
Anthony Albanese makes history as first sitting PM to march in Sydney’s Mardi Gras parade”, SBS, 25 February 2023
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese On Becoming First Sitting Australian PM To March In Mardi Gras”, The Project (on YouTube)

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